What do you do when someone else ‘steals’ your idea?

    • Do you rant and rave?
    • Do you think of all the woulda, coulda, shoulda things? (I should have, if only we’d, etc…)
    • Do you think it’s unfair?
    • Do you worry that it will hurt your business?

Our friend and colleague, Veronica Satalich of The HuPerson Project, sent us a link and with the note Interesting article that you guys could have written 😎“  (Image to the right)

She made the comment because she’s a part of our yearly mastermind, where we had discussed Groundhog Day in depth and used it to prompt great life questions. 

We also did a full podcast episode on it (Ep 90 Movies with a Message: Groundhog Day) that covered the multiple levels of meanings embedded in this classic, 1993 Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell movie.

Fast Company Article on Groundhog Day

In the past we might have fretted about the article thinking, ‘oh shoot, someone stole our thunder’, or ‘oh my, we should have done more with that episode’ or ‘why didn’t we ____ (fill in the blank) ‘ or any other variation on the theme. 

🙌 Instead, we celebrated.

Here’s why.

There are several things that are now foundations for how we see the world, and business.

  • It’s a friendly universe. That means that this article, written for a publication with massive influence and an enormous following showed up today to serve us in some way.
  • Everything we need shows up before we need it. Ergo, we did not ‘miss’ anything. We are right where we need to be, our ‘job’ is to stay present and pay attention to the clues life is leaving us (like this article).
  • Our mission is to empower leaders from the inside out – in every walk of life. As such, when we see a publication like Fast Company publishing an article that we ‘could have written’ – that means that the world of business, and leadership, is changing. That excites us and gives us hope.

The Result

Whenever you come from a place of lack and fear, you shrink back, close down – as do your potential and opportunities. When you come from a place of true celebration you stay big and open, as do – you guessed it – your potential and your opportunities.

We know that we’ve already impacted 100’s of leaders with our own episode on the subject. Fast Company will reach so many more. That’s something to celebrate. The world needs this – more leaders waking up. 

On a more direct note, one of our Soulful Leader podcasts from 2023 just became relevant again (Ep 90). Our new listeners have never heard it, didn’t know it existed. They will likely listen to it, and share it with a friend. We’ll gain listeners. All because of work someone else did. We should send a thank you note!

Finally, it’s given us a great opportunity to connect more directly with you, our own followers. You get to know more about us, and we get to know more about you. More of you are commenting and responding with each blog post, newsletter and podcast – and we love it.

“Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.”

– Virginia Burden

Your Turn

So the next time someone else writes the article, records the short, or publishes the podcast you coulda, woulda, shoulda done, look at it with fresh eyes.

Is your belief empowering you? Or hindering you? What if what was published was actually be HELPING you and your business? 

Deeper into Groundhog Day

As an added bonus – we highly recommend that you watch (or rewatch) Groundhog Day – with awareness. It’s a fun movie and walks through the process of getting unstuck in a playful way. If you are interested, contact us and we’ll send you the list of questions we created to consider within the context of the movie.

Watch it on your own:
  1. Read the Fast Company article
  2. Listen to The Soulful Leader Podcast (Ep 90 Movies with a Message: Groundhog Day
  3. Make popcorn and watch the movie
  4. Reflect on the thoughts and ideas brought up in the article and the podcast
Create a watch party and watch it with a group:
  1. Invite everyone to read the Fast Company article
  2. Recommend everyone listen to The Soulful Leader Podcast (Ep 90 Movies with a Message: Groundhog Day
  3. Make popcorn, gather and watch the movie
  4. Discuss your thoughts and ideas about the layer of the movie brought up in the article and the podcast
Bill Murray and Phil

Whichever you choose (watch it on your own, watch it with friends, or not watching it at all) we’d love to hear your thoughts. Were you able to shift your mindset on something in your business? Do you have a different perspective on Groundhog Day now?

Share with us what you noticed, learned, saw differently, etc. 🙌

Emerge from the Darkness

Join us on Dec 21st for a unique workshop… details
It’s time to emerge from the darkness, lighten up and set up your 2025 through a playful, empowering workshop.